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Travel deal

AI revolution at Traveldeal: 19.5% increase in conversion!


From booking to fan

In the world of travel deals, it's a familiar phenomenon: customers who book something once and then don't come back. Acquiring new customers is expensive, while retaining existing ones is often much more valuable. But how do you transform these passers-by into loyal fans?

Traveldeal legde deze uitdaging neer bij Yellowgrape en samen zijn we een innovatieve weg ingeslagen met AI-gestuurde hyperpersonalisatie. Dankzij de geavanceerde AI-oplossing Brainvine Feeds, heeft Traveldeal niet alleen hun contentstrategie getransformeerd, maar ook een indrukwekkende conversiestijging van 19,5% gerealiseerd.

Deze samenwerking benadrukt de kracht van strategische partnerschappen en laat zien hoe effectief het is om content af te stemmen op de unieke behoeften van elke klant. Het markeert het begin van een nieuw tijdperk van klantbetrokkenheid en loyaliteit, gedreven door de synergie tussen Traveldeal en Yellowgrape.


The challenge: customer retention

Traveldeal, a company that has grown through impulse buying, faces the challenge of transforming impulsive buyers into regular customers. How do you transform a one-time booker into a loyal customer? Through thorough data analysis, we look for patterns that provide insight into why these customers are not returning. Maybe they're only interested in that one top deal, they don't feel understood, the offer isn't relevant, or the timing wasn't ideal? Our goal is to turn these one-off bookers into enthusiastic, travel-loving fans. An essential first step is to set up a solid data management with a Customer Data Platform (CDP), which allows us to create a complete customer profile where all data comes together.

Een Customer Data Platform (CDP) biedt de mogelijkheid om specifieke klantsegmenten te beheren, maar de echte uitdaging ligt in het naadloos afstemmen van je content op de behoeften van deze segmenten. Dit is vaak een struikelblok, vooral wanneer je te maken hebt met een groot aanbod van gevarieerde en wisselende deals. Hoe zorg je er voor dat elke deal of product de juiste snaar raakt bij de juiste klant? Het vereist een verfijnde aanpak waarbij je content niet alleen relevant maar ook persoonlijk en aantrekkelijk is, zodat het effectief inspeelt op de unieke voorkeuren en gedragingen van elke klant. Hoe kun je dit proces optimaliseren om maximale impact te bereiken?


The question: a databased strategy for higher Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Traveldeal has grown rapidly thanks to a daily changing offer and competitive prices that radiate urgency. However, due to the focus on impulse bookings, customer CLTV is relatively low. Now that offerings have become wider and less impulsive, personalization, the key to customer retention, is becoming more of a challenge. Realizing a fully personalized experience is a complex puzzle that requires both precision and insight. Even with a well-designed Customer Data Platform (CDP), content optimization remains a time-consuming task that is often postponed or only tackled superficially. As a result, a lot of potential remains untapped. So it's crucial to develop a strategy that's both efficient and profound so you can make a real impact with every customer.


The solution: hyper-personalization meets AI

How do we apply hyperpersonalization on a large scale? By analyzing online behavior at Traveldeal, we collect a wealth of information. Using AI, we optimize this data for hyper-personalization. In a Customer Data Platform (CDP), Traveldeal creates smart segment labels such as “solo”, “couples”, “groups”, “families”, “sports” and “culture”. These labels are assigned by an advanced algorithm that considers various factors, such as site click behavior and information from previous bookings.

With OpenAI, we have carried out pilots to modify prompts based on these smart labels. As a result, for example, we have completely rewritten accommodation pages for couples or families, making the content much more relevant to the visitor. This approach ensures that each customer gets a unique and personalized experience, significantly increasing engagement and loyalty.


Brainvine Feeds: Large-Scale Hyperpersonalization

Manually modifying texts using OpenAI prompts is a time-consuming task. That's why we're introducing Brainvine Feeds. An advanced tool that processes your entire product or accommodation feed and automatically adjusts texts based on specific labels. This makes hyper-personalization on an even larger scale easy. New property texts are updated automatically overnight so that they are always up to date and relevant.

With Brainvine Feeds, a completely rewritten accommodation feed is automatically generated. This feed can easily be loaded into the Customer Data Platform (CDP), after which the specific travel labels show the correct text. Brainvine Feeds integrates seamlessly into the existing platform and transforms the original content into a hyper-personalized version. In addition to the accommodation pages, we now also use this personalized content in the on-site content, the email newsletter and automations. This makes every customer interaction a unique and relevant experience, significantly increasing engagement and customer satisfaction.

“Manually modifying texts using OpenAI prompts is a time-consuming task. That's why we're introducing Brainvine Feeds.”


19.5% increase in conversion: A/B test confirms the power of AI-driven hyperpersonalization

To measure the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted an A/B test. The results speak for themselves: by extensively adapting standard texts using Brainvine Feeds, tailored to the needs of different customer segments as identified in the Customer Data Platform (CDP), we achieved an impressive conversion increase of up to 19.5%. These results underline the power of AI-driven hyper-personalization and show how important it is to tailor content to the specific wishes and needs of your target audience.


These experts know this case inside out

Robin Sprang

Creative Digital Consultant

Martijn Versteeg

Customer Journey Consultant

Jurrian Loof

Senior Campaign Developer

Rik van den Wijngaard

Founder & Creative Director