From innovation to EMAS nomination with Yellowgrape and Uitgekookt

Maartje Janssen
Customer Journey Consultant
Yellow update

In the dynamic world of email marketing and automation, the DDMA EMAS Awards 2024 is the place where innovation and creativity come together. These renowned awards highlight the most prominent and innovative campaigns and celebrate the constant development and striving for excellence within the Dutch digital sector.

One of this year's nominees is Uitgekookt, a company that originated as an innovative grocery store and has developed into a leading meal service. Uitgekookt delivers healthy, freshly prepared meals and refreshes the meal menu every week to attract customers. Despite its success, the company faced a challenge: a drop off rate of around 30% between shopping cart and checkout. To address this issue, Uitgekookt implemented an email automation for cart abandonment, with a focus on persuasion, personalization, and usability.

Segmentation and Personalization: The Key to Customer Engagement

Within this strategy, customers are segmented into new buyers, customers with one purchase and “fans”. This is based on the CDP Spotler Activate RFM model. This platform provides a continuous data flow and daily updates to customer data. To set triggers based on shopping cart actions, Spotler Activate is linked to ESP Deployteq, to achieve further email follow-up and segmentation and to personalize cart abandonment emails, with varying content.

Increasing conversion and customer engagement

The primary goal of this campaign was to significantly increase the conversion rate in the cart abandonment flow. As a secondary goal, the aim was to increase the CTO (Click To Open) in email automations. The development of this automation is an example of how targeted use of technology and personalization can lead to improved customer experience and business results.

A win-win partnership: Uitgekookt and Yellowgrape

In realizing this successful campaign, Uitgekookt worked with Yellowgrape, who provided support in setting up the campaign by using their expertise in the field of customer journey and CRO strategies. This collaboration helped to optimize and personalize email automations, which was critical to improving the shopping experience and minimizing cart abandonment.

A reward for innovation: The EMAS nomination

The EMAS Awards 2024 highlight the importance of innovation, creativity, and technological advancement in the world of email marketing and automation. Uitgekookt's nomination for these awards underlines the impact of their efforts and continued development within the sector.