Plan your success with the Yellowgrape 2025 marketing calendar

Berend Jonckers
Account Lead

Q4 is around the corner, which means that the busy campaign time is starting again! With bangers like Singles Day, Black Friday, Santa Claus and Christmas ahead, we know this quarter will fly by. And that is precisely why it is a challenge to already think ahead towards the first quarter of 2025 (and beyond).

Wake-up call!

This is your wake-up call. Start your 2025 marketing planning now and, of course, we are ready to help you get started with this marketing calendar for the Netherlands and Belgium, full of important holidays, theme days and vacation periods for 2025.

Relevant & up to date

Our catch-up calendar offers a wealth of inspiration for thematic promotions, pricing campaigns and brackets for compelling content. Whether you're working on a starting online store or an established e-commerce player, this calendar helps you stay relevant and up to date throughout the year.

Boost your e-commerce strategy

Start your preparations on time, so that you have the space to really work out your plans. Involve your teams and schedule clear kick-off and evaluation moments. This way, everyone knows exactly when which action is needed.

A successful campaign is more than just a beautiful landing page or newsletter. Also consider a strong pay-off, a well-thought-out runtime, catchy copy, and, of course, your paid ads, product range, and (for the real next-level approach) on-site personalizations.

In short, ensure a clear briefing that brings all teams on the same page, plan a kick-off and evaluation moments. So everything runs smoothly from the start.

Action list

Organic growth & content

Nowadays, organic discoverability is much more than just site content that ranks well in search engines such as Google and Bing and therefore generates “free” website traffic.

Social platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat and, of course, Youtube are also increasingly being used as search engines (social search). For example, 1 in 10 Gen Zers even says that they prefer to use TikTok as a search engine than Google, for the reason that they find short videos more informative that are easier to record. (source: Frank watching)

This therefore requires a more extensive content strategy where, in addition to strong on-site content, you would do well to think about video/and photographic content on external platforms for larger campaigns. 1 advantage: if you use this smartly, you can also use this content for your paid ads.

Search volume

Before you make all the preparations, it is important to look at the search volume of your target group around your planned campaign. Logically, the search volume for larger campaigns often starts much earlier than the campaign day actually is.

A good example is Christmas. The search volume for “Christmas gift” and “Christmas gift” started to increase significantly from the beginning of October last year (see graph). Take advantage of that!

Tip: Use tooling as SEM Rush, Google Trends and, for example TikTok Insights for good search volume and keyword insights. Do you need help with this? Please let us know!

Landing pages: Your campaign's “Touchdown”

You can 'just' create some new landing pages. New header image, a few lines of text and a call-to-action button. But will you achieve your goal optimally?

Provide recognition, inspiring content (but not too many distractions!) , good navigation, SEO written content and, for example, the ability to create a opt-in to leave behind. Just a few ideas for setting up a good landing page.

You can learn to personalize!

Do you want to use your marketing campaigns even more efficiently and personalize them on a large scale? Get to know the Yellowgrape Lifecycle Model!

With this model, you can map your customer base to optimize your marketing efforts. In fact, it's just 5 steps, continue reading here.

AI as a smart assistant

Use AI as a tool for creating content, product descriptions, and analysis. AI content tools such as Brainvine accelerate and improve your work process. And for the pioneers among us; you can with Brainvine Feeds even optimize and personalize your content on a large scale by type of visitor.

We wrote about this case. Recommended!

Learn from every campaign

Analyze the results of your actions and incorporate these learnings into subsequent campaigns. Test different facets such as media channels, shipping times and page structure to do each campaign just that little bit better.

📅 Supercharge your marketing plan with our free download version in PDF of this calendar. Complete the calendar with your content schedule or remove irrelevant days.

Also active in Germany? Read our blog and download the 2025 marketing calendar for Germany.

Do you need help planning and developing your campaigns? Feel free to contact us. We'd love to help you calculate your campaign targets and make 2025 a successful year.