The power of a multi-image overlay

Sylvana van Kerkhof
Campaign Manager

Despite the popularity of online shopping, physical shopping is still preferred by many people. Reasons for going into town anyway are mainly the social experience, atmosphere, combination with hospitality and the immediate experience (seeing the product in real life). In this story, we delve deeper into that immediate experience. How do you create an online experience that feels almost like physical shopping?

Get attention with your overlay

At Yellowgrape, we use the Smartly tool for social campaigns for most customers. This tool speeds up the processes for putting your ads live and is especially useful for taking your overlay to the next level. Via the feed, you can dynamically cross all kinds of fields to Meta (and therefore Smartly), providing the product photo, price and other product details for each product. This way, you can easily draw more attention to your overlay and therefore your products. In addition, you already share more information per product, which ensures that interested and potential customers click through more quickly (and hopefully, of course, make a purchase right away). We've been using this method at Yellowgrape for some time, and we think it's important to keep testing and optimizing.

Encourage purchases

For our customers, we use social ads to both drive traffic to the website and stimulate purchases. To stimulate purchases, we use the product feed (from Channable), giving potential buyers a glimpse into the kitchen, or in this case, the store. The image below shows an example overlay from one of our fashion customers, using one product image. In addition, the following fields are included in the overlay:

  • The logo;
  • A product photo;
  • Price (and possibly the sale price);
  • The use of shapes/colors of the customer's corporate identity.

The lake, the merrier

To keep up to date with the world of “Paid Social Media”, the overlay has been further developed. Fashion brand websites often use different types of images per product, such as photos of the back or details of the garment. With the idea of imitating “physical shopping” more in the online world, it was decided to find out how more images could be pushed within one overlay. In doing so, the following steps were taken:

  1. It was found out whether the images from the website were also in the Channable feed. These were listed as “additional-image links” within the feed.
  2. At least one photo of the back of the product and a detailed photo are pushed to the feed per product. To ensure that these are transferred to Smartly's dynamic fields, the “additional-image links” have been copied to a custom label.
  3. You map these custom labels as an “image” instead of “text”, as they are, of course, images.
  4. Next, it's a matter of fetching feeds, so that changes come through within Smartly.

Drum roll... The results!

The results of the A/B test were assessed on the basis of First Click, under the 7-day click attribution model.

A total of two A/B tests were run. The first test was done between the single image and double image overlay. The second test phase came about because three images provided a more organized overlay, which better suits the style of the fashion brand. To create this multi-image overlay, the same steps as mentioned above were taken. In the end, the results were amazing! The number of purchases, turnover, CTR (click through rate), CR (conversion rate), CPA (cost per acquisition) and ROAS (return on ad spend) were considered.

Test 1

In the first test, the single image was rotated alongside the double-image overlay.

  • Purchases: +38%
  • Revenue: +43%
  • CTR: +33%
  • CR: +1.2%
  • CPA: -27%
  • PINK: +43%

Test 2

In the second test, the double-image was rotated alongside the multi-image overlay.

  • Purchases: +26%
  • Revenue: +45%
  • CTR: -12%
  • CR: +46%
  • CPA: -21%
  • PINK: +45%

Test 1 winner

Test 2 winner


Positive results can be seen in both tests. In both tests, there was a significant boost in purchases and ROAS, with sales improving. Looking at test 2, it is striking that the CTR did fall by 12%. From this, we can conclude that the target group clicks less quickly, but that the traffic that does click is of higher quality. After all, the conversion rate has increased by more than 46%. All in all, the results are positive and can thus dispel doubts that sometimes arise when shopping online.

Do you have another question about this topic or want to know more? Then take contact us and then we would be happy to catch up with you.